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Zhang Mengxing Meets with Wang Yankui, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone
source: Author:中国中冶 Release time:2023-01-10

  On January 8, Zhang Mengxing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of MCC, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of China MCC, met with Wang Yankui, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone, at MCC Building in Beijing. The two sides held in-depth discussions and exchanges on further strengthening cooperation in transportation and municipal infrastructure, regional development, housing construction, new energy and other fields.

  Zhang Mengxing welcomed the visit of Wang Yankui and briefly introduced the basic situation of MCC. He said that MCC, as the largest and strongest metallurgical construction contractor and metallurgical enterprise operation service provider in the world, has successfully achieved transformation in recent years by virtue of its professional and technical advantages and business qualification advantages accumulated in iron and steel metallurgy, and has made excellent achievements in municipal infrastructure, rail transit, high-end housing construction, ecological and environmental protection, and new energy. In particular, it has accumulated rich investment and development experience in the development and construction of Shenzhen Special Zone, and made contributions to the local economic and social development. Since this year, MCC has steadily promoted the work of "Growth Stabilizing, Anti-epidemic, Risk Preventing, and Safety Maintaining," and achieved a growth against the trend in business performance and a new high. And the enterprise has always maintained a positive development trend. The Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone is closely connected with the industry of MCC, with highly complementary advantages and broad prospects for cooperation. It is hoped that on the basis of the good cooperative relationship and solid cooperation established in the early stage, the two sides will further innovate the cooperation mode, closely communicate and connect, and constantly deepen the investment and construction in infrastructure construction, emerging industries, regional development, housing construction and other fields. To contribute to build the Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone into a concentrated carrier of Shenzhen"s super-large industries.

  Wang Yankui congratulated MCC on the achievements of reform and development, and briefly introduced the situation of Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone and its future construction and development prospects. He pointed out that the Shenzhen-Shanwei Cooperation Zone is the first special cooperation zone in China and the "10+1" zone in Shenzhen. It undertakes the regional coordinated development strategy of the central government, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government. It has a high planning starting point, significant policy and regional advantages, strong development momentum and power, and bright prospects for development. At present, the Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone is actively building a new urban area and a sub-center of the Shenzhen metropolitan area for the expansion of Shenzhen"s industrial system and urban functions. And strive to build "the eastern gateway of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the new center of the eastern coastal economic belt of Guangdong, the independent innovation and expansion zone of Shenzhen, and the modern international coastal new smart city."  Creating a new pattern of the cause of the Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone is inseparable from the participation and contribution of many enterprises. As a large state-owned enterprise with strong strength and responsibility, MCC will give full play to the advantages of the whole industrial chain of investment and construction, and participate in the investment and construction of the cooperation zone in depth. Then promote all-round strategic cooperation between the two sides in a broader field and higher level to achieve win-win development.

  Zhang Zhihua, Deputy Director of Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone Management Committee, Wang Tao, Director of the Development, Reform and Finance Bureau, Zhong Jian"an, Chairman of Shenzhen Shanwei Investment Holding Group; Zhu Guangxia, member of the MCC and the Standing Committee of the MCC Party Committee, Vice President of MCC, and Song Zhanjiang, Wang Wei, Fei Lidong, Fan Yaozhong, Xu Li, heads of relevant functional departments and subsidiaries of MCC headquarters attended the meeting.


  Talks between the two sides


  Scene of the meeting

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