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Qu Yang attends the 2023 Symposium on Low-Carbon Intelligent Iron-making and delivers a speech
source:Scientific and Technological Management Department Author:Scientific and Technological Management Department Release time:2023-10-16

  On October 12, 2023, the Symposium on Low-Carbon Intelligent Iron-making and the Editorial board work of Ironmaking were held in Wuhan, Hubei. Qu Yang, Member of the Standing Committee of the MCC and CMCC Party Committee and Vice President of CMCC, was invited to attend the Symposium and delivered a speech.

  In his speech, He expressed warm congratulations to the Symposium on behalf of MCC. He pointed out that the report of the 20th CPC National Congress made a major deployment of "promoting green development and harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature", and called for "the green transformation of the development mode". It was an inevitable requirement to realize the "3060" dual-carbon target and the sustainable development of the iron and steel industry by boosting the green and low-carbon transformation with intelligence. As the global prominent Metallurgical Construction Contractor and Metallurgical Enterprise Operation Service Provider, MCC is committed to building the best overall solution provider for metallurgical construction and operation with superb core competitiveness. It actively followed the low-carbon and intelligent development trend of the iron and steel industry, and provides domestic and foreign iron and steel enterprises with the most strictly environmental protection technology, most cost-effective iron and steel process technology and equipment, as well as the most efficient engineering construction and operation services.

  This Symposium was organized by the editorial board of Ironmaking of MCC South, and many renowned experts and scholars from the field of ironmaking, representatives of major universities, research institutes, and related enterprises attended the meeting.

Qu Yang delivered a speech

Scene of the Meeting

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